surgery. The facial scars caused by lines can take longer to heal since this region of your body is continually being exposed. It is good to know there are a variety of treatments available for treating the facial marks.
One of the best and most common treatments for acne scars on the face is dermatological exfoliation. A dermatologist scrubs off the top layer of skin that covers your face by using a fine wire. Chemical peels are another option where mild acids are applied to the skin’s surface, in a single layer. It results in the epidermis becoming removed, which is the skin’s upper layer. This is then sloughed off to expose a new layer.
Laser resurfacing, which removes the epidermis, can be compared to chemical peels or dermabrasion. The laser beams are powerful enough to remove the skin. A different type of treatment is plastic surgery. In this procedure, the scar tissue is taken away using a scalpel, or it is repositioned in order to reduce its appearance. There are two options for lasers: Erbium laser surface resurfacing and carbon dioxide. Erbium is the most secure method for the face, but carbon dioxide is the most common since it’s efficient for scar treatment.